FECENCA study of the Eurasian Woodcock

February 3, 2017
Posted in Birds
February 3, 2017 FACE

Increase the knowledge about the migratory movements of woodcocks. Promote the involvement of hunters in the management and conservation of the species, making them participate to the studies.

Provide the competent authorities with rigorous information on the status of Woodcock in order to develop a homogenous legal framework regarding the hunting management and conservation of the species in Spain.

Monitoring of the bag data and analysis of biological samples; Censuses of the wintering and breeding populations through ringing campaigns; Monitoring of the migratory routes using satellite radio-telemetry techniques; Awareness raising actions targeting various groups of hunters.

Hunters submitted bag data and were targeted to raise awareness of the research interests of woodcock.

Country: Spain
Starting date: 2009
Species: Eurasion Woodcock (Scolopax Rusticola)
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Migratory species
Type of actions: Research and data collection, Communication, Policy work
Leading partners: Fecaza (http://www.fecaza.com/);the Woodcock Hunters' Club of Spain (http://rtvs.ccbp.org/)

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FACE – European Federation for Hunting and Conservation

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