Anasat project

March 10, 2017
Posted in Birds
March 10, 2017 FACE

Study of local movements of populations wintering in Italy – Phenology of the Italian populations – Definition of guidelines migratory and breeding areas of wintering populations in Italy – Study of the use (definition of areas used for food and / or to the rest) and habitat selection of wintering populations.

Teals are captured with traps or nets by specialized ornithologists in cooperation with official ISPRA authorized ringers, marked by ring supplied by ISPRA (ex-INFS) and registered to standard relief of biometric data.

The satellite transmitters are placed on the back of the animal by a Teflon harness so as to limit the disturbance and prevent injury to the skin. All individuals are marked in a few minutes and released at the site of capture.

Data are analized in cooperation by Pisa University – ACMA – Federcaccia. Movements of teals can be followed by registered member to the project on website Marking and capture operations starts between end of december and first decade of january on wintering sites.

Twelve females of teals were marked during 2014, first year of the project. Hunters promoted and financed the project and were involved in the capture and marking

Country: Italy
Starting date: 2014
Species: Common Teal (Anas Crecca)
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Migratory species
Type of actions: Research and data collection
Leading partners: ACMA - Federazione Italiana della Caccia - Ufficio Avifauna Migratoria (WWW.FEDERCACCIA.ORG -

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