Monitoring of large carnivores

March 22, 2017
March 22, 2017 FACE

to understand the current status and trends of large carnivore populations Slovenian hunters routinely report all detected mortality of large carnivores, either from legal culls or other causes, which is then verified, measured and sampled by Slovenia Forest Service (SFS) personnel.

Professional hunters in SFS hunting reserves, which cover a large proportion of the prime large carnivore habitat, have also been systematically recording all signs of large carnivore presence since 1999. All data collection is done by either amateur or professional hunters.

Country: Slovenia
Starting date: 1999
Species: Brown Bear (Ursus Arctos), Eurasian Lynx (Lynx Lynx), Grey Wolf (Canis Lupus)
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Protected species
Type of actions: Research and data collection
Leading partners: Slovenian Forestry Service ( amateur hunters

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