Active protection of lowland populations of Capercaillie

May 22, 2017
May 22, 2017 FACE

As the populations of Capercaillie decline in the two areas suppressing genetic variation, a detailed analysis of causes for the decline has been performed.

The measures planned aim at either elimination or alleviation of the identified threats.

The objective of the project is to restore vestigial lowland populations, and to reach the target level of population density of 2 individuals/1000 hectares which is recommended for the areas where restitution of small game animals and forest gallinaceous birds is conducted. – Restoring Capercaillie populations and preservation of their genetic pools in the Bory Dolno?l?skie Forest and the Augustowska Primeval Forest. – Monitoring capercaillie populations – Reducing and monitoring the population numbers of mammalian predators – Improving and monitoring the living habitat of Capercaillies – Reducing anthropogenic impact – Environmental education and promotion of the project

The project envisages the reduction of predators’ populations (foxes, racoon-dogs, martens, badgers, American minks, and racoons) by shooting and capturing.

The inventories of burrows, occupied or not, will be conducted. Hunting will also be performed with the use of hunting dogs.

Country: Poland
1) Dolnoslaskie, South-East of Poland2) Podlaskie, North-West of Poland
Starting date:
Species: Western Capercaillie (Tetrao Urogallus), Fox (Vulpes Vulpes), Racoon-dog (Nyctereutes Procyonoides), Marten (Martes), European Badger (Meles Meles), American Mink (Neovison Vison), Racoon (Procyon Lotor)
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Protected species, Threatened species, Abundant species, Invasive Alien species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife, Research and data collection
Leading partners: The coordinating beneficiary is Nadle?nictwo Ruszów (Forest District Ruszów) (, a public body responsible for state forestry services in Poland.


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