Skylark: monitoring of autumn migration

May 25, 2017
Posted in Birds
May 25, 2017 FACE

Ringing activity through constant and standardized capture activities for the monitoring of post-breeding migration and biometric characterisation of the Skylark (Alauda arvensis) migrant population. Objectives are: monitoring demography of population, monitoring phenology of migration, understand population structure in terms of sex ratio as requested by EU Management Plan, understand health of birds ringed, understand sex detection method.

Since 2010, three-year monitoring of the autumn migration has been conducted by using transect of vertical networks of constant number and size and with a fixed orientation. Ringing activity takes place from 1 october to 10 november with same nests and position. Each bird is weighted, and all measures are taken (wing, tarsus, sex, fat, mute).

Birds are ringed with ISPRA rings from Euring program. The data stored will be used to set up procedures for assessing the magnitude of migration, as well as biometric characterization of the migrant population.

Hunters are involved through FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA DELLA CACCIA that financed study without any other partner, and have the property of results.

Country: Italy
Campania Region (South Italy)
Starting date:
Species: Eurasian Skylark (Alauda Arvensis)
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Migratory species, Threatened species
Type of actions: Research and data collection
Leading partners: The Association Group Ringing Waders (GIL, Naples), coordinated by Dr. Sergio Scebba (


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