Understanding of the population dynamics of a European Hare population

June 11, 2017
Posted in Mammals
June 11, 2017 FACE

The aims of the project were: – to map the age structure, sex ratio and reproduction of hares in the western part of West-Vlaanderen – to obtain some evidence about possible reasons of decline of the autumn population of the European hare in the region The hunters, grouped in Wildlife Management Units were involved in: – the sampling: delivering a number of shot hares each year – the execution of the transect counts – the steering committee: formulating research questions, reviewing and discussion of the results, orientation of the research – in the financing of the project Hubertus Vereniging Vlaanderen (the Flemmisch Hunting Association) was responsable for: – coordination of the research – the sampling and labo analysis – the data analysis – writing the reports, reporting to the steering committee

Country: Belgium
Flanders (Vlaanderen)
Starting date:
Species: European Hare (Lepus Europaeus)
Species characteristics: Huntable species
Type of actions: Research and data collection
Leading partners: Leading partner: Hubertus Vereniging Vlaanderen (HVV)www.hvv.be


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As an international advocacy organisation, FACE actively represents the interests, values and needs of Europe’s national hunting associations, composed of 7 million hunters.

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B-1040 Bruxelles (Belgium)
+32 (0)2 732 6900

FACE is the Voice of European Hunters

FACE – European Federation for Hunting and Conservation

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