Song Thrush: date determination of prenuptial migration

June 18, 2017
Posted in Birds
June 18, 2017 FACE

Search of the date determination of prenuptial migration for the Song Trush (Turdus philomelos). The objectives are: – to maintain hunting season of song thrush on 31st January based on article 2.7.13 of Guide of Hunting under Birds directive, by giving regional data to Region Administration – to modify Key Concepts of song thrush for Italy.

Ringing activity over the period from January to March. Collection of biometric and physiological information. During capture operations, they also have collected biometric and physiological information.

The project started in Puglia region in January 2011. In 2012, it started in Calabria region with 2 ringing station, in Lazio region with 1 station and in Umbria region with 1 station. In Puglia region the study will continu until 2013. So, 3 years of surveys are now available. In other region, the study will continue in 2013 and 2014 in order to obtain a 3 years survey for each region.

In the project, other species of Passerines (Passeriformes) were captured in order to increase ringing activity and knowledge of non huntable species. Hunters were involved in financing studies with national FIDC and regional sections of FIDC, but also in various local congresses that FIDC organized to promote the study and to promote his scientific activity.

Country: Italy
Puglia, Lazio, Calabria, Umbria and Campania regions
Starting date:
Species: Song Thrush (Turdus Philomelos)
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Migratory species
Type of actions: Research and data collection
Leading partners: Federazione Italiana della Caccia, Ufficio Avifauna Migratoria (

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