Establish the current distribution of otters (Lutra lutra) in the Cheshire region

August 7, 2017
Posted in Mammals
August 7, 2017 FACE

To contribute towards the objectives set out under the Cheshire LBAP to Establish the current distribution of otters (Lutra lutra) in the Cheshire region and restore otters to all catchments where they have been recorded since 1960. The sightings and recorded signs of otter presence have been used as a guide to the construction of artificial otter holts to help the species expand its range in Cheshire. Most of the otter holts have been built on BASC Green Shoots members lands and equipped whith cameras or sand trap to monitor activity. Constant monitoring of shoots in the county with riparian habitat would highlight any other sites which would benefit from an artificial otter holt being provided. An otter training day was conducted in February 2009 for BASC members and other local landowners. The day was designed to give the participants a better understanding of otter ecology and to provide them with the skills to construct an artificial otter holt.

Country: United Kingdom
Cheshire County
Starting date:
Species: Otter (Lutra Lutra)
Species characteristics: Protected species, Threatened species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife, Research and data collection
Leading partners: . BASC The British Association for Shooting and Conservation?

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