NATURA 2000 integrate into a local hunting management plan

August 26, 2017
August 26, 2017 FACE

The major challenges facing the site involved reopening and maintaining habitats of natural wetlands and the semi-open garrigue. The conservation and management of natural habitats and species of Community interest (Bonelli?s Eagle in particular) are beneficial for red partridges, the symbolic species of hunting in Provence.

The administration, hunting organisations and local partners were involved in defining a NATURA 2000 management plan for the Grand Site Sainte Victoire (12,700 ha of SPA s and 29,211 ha of SAC s). At the same time, a local hunting management plan integrating the principles of NATURA 2000 was prepared.

Hunters contributed to the conservation of a mosaic of habitats and the protection of forests against fires via operations to promote the cultivation of flora of biological interest and maintain semi-open areas by clearing the land. The common interests of stakeholders made it possible to integrate hunting actions into local charters (Environmental Charter of the Aix Region and the Territorial Forest Charter). A presentation leaflet was published in 2005.

This operation was a pilot approach in the south of France.

Country: France
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Starting date:
Species: Eagle (Aquila Fasciata), Red Partridge (Alectoris Rufa)
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Protected species, Threatened species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife
Leading partners: I dont know

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