Population and Conservation of rock partridge (Alectoris graeca graeca) in Bulgaria

November 28, 2017
Posted in Birds
November 28, 2017 FACE

Stop loss of biodiversity, and in particular of rock partridge in Bulgaria by stabilising the population of mountain Partridge and creating conditions for recolonization of the natural range of the species; by introducing sustainable practices for conducting rehabilitation and supporting activities rock partridge;and by attracting Bulgarian hunters to conserve Natura 2000 target species. Creation of game fields; protection of game fields; creation of winter shelters; artificial feeding in the first year; assess the effectiveness of conservation measures ; activities to share information and gain publicity; audit of the project. The Union of Hunters and Anglers of Bulgaria part funded the project and was managed by 21 regional hunters’ associations

Country: Bulgaria
Starting date: 2007
Species: Eastern Rock Partridge (Alectoris Graeca Graeca)
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Threatened species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife, Research and data collection, Communication
Leading partners: Union of Hunters and Anglers of Bulgaria (http://www.slrb.org/)

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