Wintering Woodcok Scolopax rusticola monitoring in protected areas in Italy with pointing dogs

July 29, 2018
Posted in Birds
July 29, 2018 FACE

Woodcock is almost sedentary in its wintering area. The knowledge of their density and how it varies during the year and from one year to another is important for the management of areas even without hunting activities. Based on a national protocol established in 2006 by the National Institute for Wildlife (INFS-ISPRA), with Genoa University and Club della Becaccia, a partnership between cynophile hunters and Parks Institutions has been possible. Involved hunters need to follow a specific class with their pointing dogs.

Country: Italy
Starting date: 2003
Species: Woodcock (Scolopax Rusticola)
Species characteristics: Huntable species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife, Research and data collection, Communication
Leading partners: Parc offices


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