Study of Bird Migration in the Bay of Somme

January 3, 2019
Posted in Birds
January 3, 2019 FACE

The Fédération des Chasseurs de la Somme supports the project led by the Institut Scientifique Nord Est Atlantique (ISNEA).

A surveillance radar has been installed in Somme Bay to study movements of birds. This technology is in addition to the visual measurements made by Federation agents and makes it possible to evaluate flows on an ongoing basis. Specialized scientists then analyze the data to draw conclusions.

Baie de Somme has been chosen for its history of species monitoring for more than 30 years. This environment, rich in more than 300 bird species, is ideal for their study.

ISNEA and the Federation use this data to monitor migration, improve knowledge of species and anticipate health risks.

Country: France
Starting date:
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife, Research and data collection
Leading partners: Fédération départementale des chasseurs de la Somme
Other partners: Ornithologique Picard

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