National Observation Network “Oiseaux d’eau zones humides”

February 17, 2019
February 17, 2019 FACE

This joint network between the National Hunting and Wildlife Office (ONCFS), the National Hunters’ Federation (FNC) and the Departmental Hunters’ Federations (FDC) is focused on goose, duck and swan species.

A national census of numbers was conducted from 1987 to 2015 during the winter season (about 100 “wetlands”, 3 counts per winter) to determine trends in the populations of the main species.

Since 2015, the network has been sharing counting activities with the Wetlands International network. The “Oiseaux d’eau – Zones Humides” network is working on the new issue of “exotic” waterbird species, not indigenous to France: Canada Goose, Egyptian Goose and Red Duck.

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