Sustainable management of the external borders of cultivated fields in the Eure-et-Loir

March 18, 2019
March 18, 2019 FACE

The Hunters Federation of Eure-et-Loir is carrying out a study as part of the Agrifaune program on the ecological and agronomic impact of sustainable management of the outer edges of cultivated fields.

Various actions are being executed in line with the project: (i) the implementation of a differentiated management of grinding dates, (ii) the limitation of roadside herbicides, (iii) the monitoring of pollinating flora and insects and arthropods, (iv) the monitoring of weed flora, and (v) a technical and economic follow-up of the cultivated plot.

Country: France
Centre-Val de Loire
Species characteristics: Huntable species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife, Research and Data collection
Leading partners: Fédération départementale des chasseurs de Eure-et-Loir, Agrifaune

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