Reintroduction of the Grey Partridge in the continental part of Croatia

October 24, 2019
October 24, 2019 FACE


On the hunting ground IV/107 “DRAGANI”, two Grey Partridge released models were tested. Released partridges were marked with colored rings (every covey different ring color) and transmitters. Partridge tracking has been done 3 – 4 times per week.

In Lazinsko polje plot partridges were found at 297 locations and at 224 locations in the Pentri??ak plot. Daubenmire method was used to estimate canopy cover and composition by canopy cover preferred by Grey Partridges and Robel pole visual obstruction method was used to estimate vegetation height on each location where partridges were found.

Home range was defined with 95% Minimum Convex Polygon and span of range was defined as the maximum diagonal dimension of a polygon. Tracking time was divided at 4 periods. During the observation period partridges on both plots have been using 6 habitat types with preferabiity of habitat type with European dewberry (Rubus caesius) on both plots. Final results showed that habitats in Continental Croatia have excellent conditions for Grey Partridge revitalization.

Even without predator control is possible to get successful spring pairs in case if older and properly adopted partridges were released during the summer & autumn releasing. Falconers and hunters have been regulary helping in tracking and observing Grey Partridges.


Country: Croatia
Karlovac county
Starting date:
Species: Partridge (Perdix Perdix)
Species characteristics: Huntable species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife

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