Assessment of conservation status of the red-legged partridge by genetic analysis

November 2, 2019
Posted in Birds
November 2, 2019 FACE

The project concern about genetic monitoring of the red-legged partridge, in collaboration with Antagene laboratory (France). Few days ago the Hunting Territorial Zone Genoa 2 East sent to the laboratory 50 biological samples in total: 39 paws of red-legged partridges shot down during 2017 hunting season and 11 feathers with trophic quill of specimens bred in two local farms. The purpose of the project is verify the presence of hybrids with Alectoris chukar and evaluate the effectiveness of the management activities that we conducted in recent years, to continue the improvement of conservation status of the red-legged partridge.

Country: Italy
Starting date: 2017
Species characteristics: Huntable species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife, Research and data collection, Communication
Leading partners: Antagene Laboratory (

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