The ONCFS/FNC/FDC “Lièvre” network is a network for monitoring the populations of European Hares in France. The Lièvre network relies on the professionals of the National Hunting and Wildlife Office (ONCFS) and the Departmental Hunters’ Federations.
The objectives are to centralize local monitoring data on the populations of Lièvre to have a more global view of the population development, study population dynamics in a diversity of territories in France to better understand the factors responsible for the changes observed, promote the exchange of knowledge and experience between population managers and ONCFS researchers.
Country: France
Starting date: 2013
Species characteristics: Huntable species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife, Research and data collection
Leading partners: Fédération départementale des chasseurs, Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage (ONCFS), Fédération Nationale des Chasseurs (FNC)