Ecological enhancement of fields edges and pylon feet in France

June 27, 2020
June 27, 2020 FACE

As a continuation of the “Field edge management” programme, the Agrifaune du Loiret partners, including the Fédération des chasseurs du Loiret, developed a new project in 2012 to develop methods to promote the restoration of field edges and tower/pylon feet by planting wild flowers.

The objective being, in addition to the environmental rehabilitation aspect, to study the interest for crop auxiliaries and weed flora in the vicinity and in the agricultural plot.

Beyond this experimental aspect, it is also a question of working in relation with the seed companies and the administration that manages the associated regulations, and of communicating on these practices at local and regional level.

Country: France
Region: Centre-Val de Loire
Starting date: 2012
Species characteristics: Small game plains huntable and not huntable species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and Wildlife
Leading partners: Fédération départementale des chasseurs du Loiret


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