Restoration of the birdwatching site in the Maremma Regional Park

January 28, 2021
January 28, 2021 FACE

Thanks to the contribution of UNA Foundation (members: CNCN, Federcaccia, Enalcaccia, Arcicaccia and the University of Urbino) the observation shed of Bocca d’Ombrone has been reopened to the public. The observation hide is located  in the National Maremma Park a protected area in Tuscany , Italy and can be reached all year round on foot, by bike, by canoe and on horseback.

The hide is a  wooden structure built between 1999 and 2000, and is a privileged place for birdwatching (the observation and study of birds in nature) which, in the Maremma Park, involves thousands of enthusiasts every year.

It can be reached via a very simple path which crosses the wide swamps that embrace the terminal stretch of the Ombrone river that is also accessible to people with disabilities.

As a result of deterioration of the structure, a complete restoration was necessary because over the years, the significantly salinized humid environment and external atmospheric agents caused severe damage to the foundations.

The restructuring was characterized by the following interventions:

  • Disassembly of the blind, including the wooden pillars supporting the entire wood structure.
  • Supply and installation of new wooden pillars, previously treated to resist in humid environments and under water.
  • Assembly and repositioning of the shed, including the replacement of the deteriorated elements.

Restructuring operations, in addition to redeveloping the area in an eco-sustainable way, will allow an extension of the tourist season in all periods of the year not only focused on the summer months.

The intervention of UNA Foundation fits into this framework that is born with national ambitions but operates concretely in the territories, giving concrete help to local subjects and institutions to enhance and defend the natural heritage.

Country: Italy
Starting date: 2017
Species characteristics: Migratory species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife
Leading partners: Fondazione UNA, Regione Toscana, Maremma Regional park -

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