ANUU’s Commitment to Conservation: Celebrating the International Environment Award

April 19, 2024
April 19, 2024 FACE

The ANUU, the Italian Hunters’ Association for the Conservation of the Natural Environment (Member of FACE Italy), always sensitive to issues related to nature and wildlife, has established the “International Environment Award”. This award aims to enhance and encourage initiatives that support environmental conservation and promote activities in the wildlife and hunting fields.

The competition, unveiled at the National Assembly on the 50th anniversary of the Association’s founding in 2008 and now in its 13th edition, recognizes the best activities implemented and presented throughout the year.

The award is open to organisations, educational or cultural institutions, and associations, that have excelled in optimal environmental and wildlife management through:

  • Sustainable use of renewable natural resources,
  • Rehabilitation of degraded natural areas,
  • Conservation of unique rural landscapes,
  • Implementation of targeted high-quality measures to protect fauna and flora, especially in areas where hunting activities occur.

A specific set of rules has been prepared and widely disseminated to promote this initiative on environmental issues.

The International Environment Award, held annually, presents honors and mentions at each ANUU’s National Assembly.

ENVIRONMENTAL AWARDS granted from 2008 – 2022:

  • 15 First Environmental Awards;
  • 20 Certificates of Mention;

These awards have been presented to groups, educational or cultural institutions, associations.

Country: Italy
Starting date: 2008
Leading partners: ANUU (FACE Italy)

Source: Ferdinando Ranzanici (ANUU)

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As an international advocacy organisation, FACE actively represents the interests, values and needs of Europe’s national hunting associations, composed of 7 million hunters.

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+32 (0)2 732 6900

FACE is the Voice of European Hunters

FACE – European Federation for Hunting and Conservation

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