Hunters fighting IAS and Protecting Biodiversity on the island of Île Tomé, France

August 6, 2024
August 6, 2024 FACE

The “Trégor-Gestion-Vison” program is a crucial conservation initiative dedicated to eradicating the invasive American mink (Neovison vison) from Île Tomé, located off the coast of Perros-Guirec. This project, initiated in 2014, aims to restore the island’s ecological balance and support the native seabird populations, which have suffered significant declines due to the presence of this invasive species.

Île Tomé is a small, long, and narrow island characterized by rocky cliffs and coastal prairies. The island, managed by the Conservatoire du Littoral since 1997, witnessed a 70% drop in seabird numbers between 2009 and 2015. This alarming decline coincided with the arrival of the American mink, a predator that poses a severe threat to seabirds by preying on their eggs and young. This included native species such as Terns, Magpie Oystercatchers, Puffins, Maritime Pipits, Interrupted Ring-necked Plovers etc.

The significance of this project lies in its goal to eradicate the mink population and thereby protect and enhance the island’s biodiversity. The initiative is a collaborative effort led by local conservationists, hunters, and the Conservatoire du Littoral. Financial support comes from Ailes Marines (SAS) as part of compensatory measures for the Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm. Hunters play a pivotal role in this initiative, conducting both trapping and shooting operations to control and eliminate the mink population.

Policy Relevance

Hunters and hunting organizations are supporting huntable and non-huntable species in Europe through habitat management, providing or improving nesting sites for birds. The work done in the Cotes d’Amour region for the combatting of the invasive American Mink is one more example of the hard and fruitful work that hunters and hunting organizations make for the conservation of all birds’ species, thereby contributing to the EU’s Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.

Since the start of the project, significant progress has been made. The operations began in earnest in 2014, following the accidental discovery of mink on the island in 2012. By 2015, the program had set three primary objectives: eradicating mink from Île Tomé, verifying their absence on the nearby Sept-Îles nature reserve, and capturing individuals along the coast for genetic analysis. These goals are critical for understanding and mitigating the mink’s impact on local wildlife.

The eradication strategy involves alternating between days spent searching for signs of mink presence and days focused on direct eradication efforts. The use of genetic analysis on captured mink helps track population dynamics and guides future actions. In 2022, the project team dedicated approximately 220 hours to the effort, with four individuals conducting regular patrols, monitoring activities, regular trapping, and shooting.

The program has made significant progress since its start. The number of minks on Île Tomé has been significantly reduced, leading to increased breeding success and population recovery of seabirds. It is estimated at 50,000 euro has been invested in this project.

In the future, the program will continue its efforts to eradicate the American mink from Île Tomé and other areas in Trégor. Ongoing monitoring and research will ensure the program’s long-term success, contributing to the conservation of biodiversity in the region.

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As an international advocacy organisation, FACE actively represents the interests, values and needs of Europe’s national hunting associations, composed of 7 million hunters.

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+32 (0)2 732 6900

FACE is the Voice of European Hunters

FACE – European Federation for Hunting and Conservation

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