Slovakia’s mega ”Clean Hunting Ground = Clean Nature” project enters its 6th year!

December 9, 2024
December 9, 2024 FACE

Waste around roads, on the banks of the rivers and streams, in the forests, draws and its constant accumulation in the black dumps. Gamekeepers who take care of the nature and the game encounter these problems every year.

The Commission for Hunting and the Environment of the Slovak Hunting Chamber, in cooperation with the TV Halali, announced this year the 6th year of the project entitled Clean Hunting Ground = Clean Nature. However, it is not the case that hunters collect waste only six years after the announcement of this project. Hunters have been carrying out this activity at their own expense, out of their own convictions and in order to rid nature of unnecessary environmentally harmful waste for several decades.

In 2019, the hunters involved in the project, managed to collect up to 250 tons of the waste.

Hunters organized, especially in the spring on the occasion of Earth Day, mass events in cooperation with municipalities, people from the countryside, primary and secondary schools, firefighters. In 2020, marked by a coronavirus and a ban on organizing such events, hunters mainly organized individual brigades in their hunting grounds, during which they managed an even great piece.

They collected more than 120 tons of waste, which consisted mainly of plastics, cans, glass, electrical appliances, textiles, and discarded construction waste. Compared to last year, of course, less than 30 hunting organizations and many individuals participated in our challenge. Already, more than 50 of them have joined this year, which is why we expect even more waste to be collected than in the previous two years. The Slovak Hunting Chamber thanks everyone who is still involved in our project.

In the jubilee 5 years, they have together managed to collect 1,250 tons of waste!!! Last year, in 2023, the largest number of hunting ground users participated in the challenge so far, up to 130.

Join us! Fill out the application, send photos from your volunteer work or event, and information about how much waste you managed to collect. The SPK Presidium has increased the contribution amount from 50 to 60 euros from 2024.

If you are not interested in a financial contribution, just send us a few photos and a short description of the event, tag them on Facebook or Instagram, and they will publish or share the posts on the website or FB page.


For more information please visit:

Clean Hunting Ground = Clean Nature in Slovakia

Slovak Hunting Chamber

Country: Slovakia
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Protected species
Type of actions: Nature education and awareness
Starting date: 2019
Leading partner: Slovak Hunting Chamaber
Other partners: Television for Friends of Nature Halali (
How the project is funded: SHCH will reimburse part of the costs of 50 € (which were used to purchase bags for waste, removal or separation of the waste, etc..) for hunters who participate in the project and send us the required information, completed application form and photos from the event.

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As an international advocacy organisation, FACE actively represents the interests, values and needs of Europe’s national hunting associations, composed of 7 million hunters.

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Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1-5
B-1040 Bruxelles (Belgium)
+32 (0)2 732 6900

FACE is the Voice of European Hunters

FACE – European Federation for Hunting and Conservation

Follow us on social media: @faceforhunters
