Control of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in the Côtes d’Armor

July 6, 2019
July 6, 2019 FACE

Through trapping operations, the Hunters Federation of Côte d’Armor has been involved since 2003 in improving knowledge, monitoring the progress and limiting the expansion of invasive alien species (IAS). Coypus, muskrats and minks are increasingly observed in the department and can cause damage to local crops and wildlife.

Country: France
Starting date:
Species characteristics: Huntable species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife, Research and data collection
Leading partners: Fédération départementale des chasseurs des Côtes d?Armor

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As an international advocacy organisation, FACE actively represents the interests, values and needs of Europe’s national hunting associations, composed of 7 million hunters.

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Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1-5
B-1040 Bruxelles (Belgium)
+32 (0)2 732 6900

FACE gratefully acknowledges financial support from the European Commission (EC).
The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of FACE and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the EC.

FACE – European Federation for Hunting and Conservation

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