A grass strip 25 m wide was planted together with native species of trees on nearby arable land, which supports the grassland strip so that it is not ploughed up. Another part of this element is a grassy field road with an avenue of trees.
First phase: Preparation of the area for further adjustments Clearing the area and removing weeds before the beginning of construction.
Second phase: Adjustment of the area, creating the herb layer After the harvest the area was grassed; heliophobic species were planted between trees and heliophilous species were planted on parts exposed to the sun.
Third phase: Planting Bare-root seedlings were planted in several lines together with three rows of bushes and tree groups. For every ten trees and tree-like bushes there were 50 bushes. Between the tree lines there are grass strips that enable the mowing machines to move around in the first years after planting. Mulching was used against the weeds.
Fourth phase: Establishment of the stand Mowing twice a year, watering, protection against browsing, pruning at planting and deadwooding.
Country: Czech Republic
Starting date: 2010
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Protected species, Threatened species, Abundant species
Type of actions: Land purchase