Raise awareness of the liklihood of the UK failing on its target to halt the decline of biodiversity by 2010 FACE and BirdLife International released a statement calling upon EU Institutions, Member States and all stakeholders to intensify efforts for implementing the EU’s 2010 Biodiversity Action Plan.
Specifically called for better implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives, a call for a comprehensive legislation on Invasive Alien Species, the need for reform of sectoral policies and strategies (e.g. agriculture and fisheries), etc. FACE (representing Europe’s hunters) and was involved in forming and releasing the statement
Starting date: 2009
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Protected species, Threatened species, Abundant species, Migatory species, Invasive Alien species
Type of actions: Management of habitats and wildlife, Policy work
Leading partners: FACE (http://www.face.eu/),BirdLife International (http://www.birdlife.org/)