To obtain high quality data on the local wolf population in the reference study area with transparent and robust interpretation that is not contested by different stakeholders.
The demonstration of a state-of-the-art approach to improving knowledge of large carnivore population status should help to foster a critical appraisal of traditional methods and will hopefully open the way for improved methods and collaborative data generation in the future Engaging key stakeholders and authorities in project activities; Conducting fieldwork with the involvement of local hunters, foresters and national park staff as well as conservation volunteers; Genotyping wolves in the reference area by non-invasive DNA sampling; Running a workshop with stakeholder participation to present and interpret the results of genetic analysis and their implications for monitoring. hunters were involved in the fieldwork and data collection
Country: Slovakia
Region: Liptov region, Northern Slovakia
Starting date: 2013
Species: Canis Lupus (Grey Wolf)
Species characteristics: Huntable species, Protected species, Threatened species
Type of actions: Research and data collection, Communication
Leading partners: Slovak Wildlife Society ( Slovak Hunting Association ( of the Slovak Republic state enterprise( of the State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic ( of Ljubljana Animal Ecology Research Group (